Outstanding, Affordable Care

At Knapp Orthodontics, we don’t think you should have to choose between the highest quality of care available for you and your family or a doctor who won’t break your budget.

That’s why we prioritize people over profits, and that’s why we love what we do. Learn more about what makes Knapp Orthodontics of Owens Cross Roads special right here.

Led By an Expert

Dr. Steven Knapp isn’t just a dentist — he’s a specialist. Like all orthodontists, he first trained as a dentist, but only about six out of every 100 dental graduates have what it takes to specialize in orthodontics.

His dedication took him through 11 rigorous years of study: four years in college, four in dental school, and an intensive three-year orthodontics residency. Here, he honed his expertise in tooth movement and facial development guidance.

Dr. Knapp's professional affiliations showcase his commitment to the field. He's an esteemed member of notable associations including the American Association of Orthodontists, the Southern Association of Orthodontists, and the American Dental Association, among others.

His contribution to research underscores his dedication and expertise.

Choosing Dr. Knapp means choosing a genuine expert for your orthodontic care. You're not just getting a new smile; you're getting it from one of the best in the field.

Accessible & Convenient

In today's fast-paced world, we understand how vital convenience and accessibility are. The best orthodontic care should never be out of reach due to time constraints or scheduling conflicts.

That's why at Knapp Orthodontics, we prioritize you and your time.

We don’t just offer exceptional orthodontic services; we ensure they seamlessly fit into your life.

Whether it's the early morning hustle before school and work or the evening rush between after-school activities, we're committed to finding a slot that works best for you.

Furthermore, our team is dedicated to quick and efficient communication, ensuring that rescheduling or emergency visits are handled with ease. Our convenient Owens Cross Roads location also means less travel time and more free time.

Choose Knapp Orthodontics not just for our expertise but for our genuine understanding of the demands of modern-day life. We're more than just your orthodontists; we're your partners in prioritizing oral health without compromising your daily routine.

Whether appointments for you, your teen, or any other member of the family are better early, late, or somewhere in-between, we’re here for you.

Owens Cross Roads Braces

Your Journey, Our Promise

At Knapp Orthodontics, we believe in making you feel like part of our family. Located in the heart of Owens Cross Roads, our dedicated team is here every step of the way, ensuring you achieve the smile you've always envisioned.

Dr. Knapp values transparency. He'll walk you through your treatment plan, explaining every step. This way, you'll know exactly what's happening and why. Got a question after your appointment? Don’t hesitate! He's always just a call away and ready to help.

Before deciding on a treatment, Dr. Knapp will thoroughly review your photos and X-rays. This ensures you get the care best suited for your unique needs.

And with us, you have options! Whether it's traditional metal braces, nearly invisible clear ones, or clear aligners, we've got you covered.

But it's not just about the end result. At Knapp Orthodontics, your experience throughout the treatment matters deeply to us.

From the moment you ring us up for your first appointment to the exciting day when your treatment wraps up, we are committed to offering you top-notch service. Remember, every smile we help craft is a journey we cherish.

Cutting-Edge Care

We’re proud to blend tradition with innovation. While we honor time-tested techniques, we're also passionate about offering our patients the most modern, effective treatments available.

Say goodbye to the discomfort of old-fashioned dental molds. Our state-of-the-art digital scanning technology has made those messy impressions a distant memory.

Not only does this ensure a more comfortable experience for you, but it also guarantees a precise fit, whether you're getting braces or Invisalign.

With Dr. Knapp's expertise and our advanced equipment, we tailor each treatment to your unique needs. Our commitment is to give you efficient, effective care using the latest advancements in the orthodontic field.

Join us at Knapp Orthodontics, where the future of smile perfection is already here!

People-Centric Payments

At Knapp Orthodontics, our primary belief is that outstanding orthodontic care should never be out of reach due to financial constraints. We've structured our financing options to ensure that every patient can access the treatment they deserve without breaking the bank.

Our in-house financing offers a convenient way to spread out your treatment costs through easy monthly payments, all without any interest.

For those who prefer a more extended payment structure, CareCredit provides the flexibility to finance your treatment over time. If you're in a position to pay for your treatment upfront, our Paid-in-Full Discount is a great way to reduce costs.

We also accept payments through all major credit cards and encourage the use of health savings accounts (HSA) or flexible spending accounts (FSA) for those who have them.

Additionally, for those who value convenience and consistency, our account withdrawal/auto-draft option ensures automatic, hassle-free payments directly from your account.

Swift Starts With Same-Day Treatments

We know that your time is valuable. That's why we're excited to offer same-day treatments for many of our orthodontic services.

No more waiting or coming back for multiple appointments; when you walk into our office, we aim to have you walking out with the first steps of your treatment already in place.

Whether it's starting with braces or getting fitted for Invisalign, Dr. Knapp and our dedicated team work efficiently to kickstart your journey to a brighter smile on your very first visit.

It's all part of our commitment to making orthodontic care more convenient and accessible for our patients.

Experience the difference of immediate care. Come to Knapp Orthodontics and take the fast track to your perfect smile!

Your Consultation Is Free

We hope we’ve given you a reason to smile about the choice to get started with our practice.

Here’s another one — consultations are always 100% free! Why should we charge before the work has been done?

If you’re in or around the Huntsville area and you want a practice that sees you for you, and not just for what’s in your wallet, then you can’t go wrong with Knapp Orthodontics. Let’s get your smile started!