Smile Direct Club Shut Down, Now What?

Smile Direct Club has shut down completely, effective immediately. Unfortunately, the direct-to-consumer clear aligner provider had to file for bankruptcy in September of 2023. Shortly after, they had to cease all services. For some, this bankruptcy filing is only a piece of news, but for some orthodontic patients, it might be an upsetting and unexpected update from the orthodontic provider, leaving them to say, “Smile Direct Club shut down, now what do I do?” If that’s you, then you’ve made a great first step by coming to Knapp Orthodontics!


What Does This Mean For Smile Direct Club Patients?

In short, all Smile Direct Club patients must find new avenues to complete their smile transformations without any help from their previous provider.


How Do You Continue Treatment?

Unfortunately, because Smile Direct Club has shut down all communication, you cannot transfer your treatment program to another provider. Smile Direct Club is not sharing your records, such as your x-rays, impressions, diagnosis, or treatment plan, with your new provider. Without any information to go off to continue your care, we must start from the beginning by getting fresh x-rays, scans, impressions, etc. We must also create new clear aligners for you since Smile Direct Club is not sending out more shipments. 

Moving forward with the latest information on your current alignment isn’t a bad thing! It means that your new provider will be able to make informed decisions about your care without having to look through someone else’s eyes.


But Don’t Get Discouraged!

Though we agree that the Smile Direct Club bankruptcy and shutting down are inconvenient for you, we must encourage you not to stand in the rain and listen to sad music. This situation isn’t a sad movie montage or music video moment! It’s a new beginning with better-qualified professionals, equipment, and service!

Restart your care with Dr. Knapp at Knapp Orthodontics and get the high-quality care you deserve. We’ll gladly and proudly service those Smile Direct Club could not help, all while watching Smile Direct Club’s bankruptcy unfold like a reality TV episode.

So, whether you were unhappy with Smile Direct Club’s results or you’re in the midst of being ghosted by your orthodontic organization, Knapp Orthodontics has got you covered.

Smile Direct Club Shut Down, Now What?

How Can Knapp Orthodontics Help?

Our team understands that Smile Direct Club’s sudden shutdown might cause some anxiety. We are here to ensure that your journey to a perfect smile is continued and enhanced from your previous experience. 


Personalized Treatment

At Knapp Orthodontics, we believe in a personalized approach to orthodontic care. Unlike the direct-to-consumer model of Smile Direct Club, our practice and process emphasize individualized treatment plans, face-to-face consultations, and continuous care. This dedication means that each patient receives a treatment plan specifically tailored to their unique dental needs and aesthetic goals and that they can come back for retainers and touch-ups.


Various Treatment Methods

We also pride ourselves on offering multiple different types of treatment. Wait, wait! Don’t skip over this section! We know you probably want to continue with our discreet and comfortable Clear Aligners options, but we encourage you to consider our metal braces (we have silver and gold braces!) and clear braces, too. 

Online providers like Smile Direct Club only offer clear aligners, but sometimes, that’s not the best treatment method. At your free consultation, please be open-minded to Dr. Knapp’s suggestions; we promise that you’ll get the smile you’ve been looking for in the end! (And unlike Smile Direct Club, Knapp Orthodontics keeps promises!)


Dr. Knapp’s Expertise

If you’re thinking, “Who is Dr. Knapp, and why should I be open to his ideas?” we’re coming to that now. 

Choosing Knapp Orthodontics means entrusting your smile to Dr. Steven Knapp, a specialist whose expertise in orthodontics is unparalleled. His extensive education, including 11 rigorous years of study and an intensive three-year orthodontics residency, has honed his skills in tooth movement and facial development. 

Dr. Knapp’s professional affiliations with esteemed organizations like the American Association of Orthodontists and the Southern Association of Orthodontists reflect his deep commitment to the field. His contribution to orthodontic research and continuous pursuit of knowledge ensures that you receive care based on years of experience and the latest advancements in orthodontics. 


Building A Relationship With Your Orthodontic Team

We don’t point out all the above to say that the provider guiding your care through Smile Direct Club wasn’t qualified. Our team just wants you to feel confident in your decision to trust another orthodontic practice immediately following the heels of your betrayal from one.

To prove it, you don’t have to trust us blindly! As an in-person provider, you get to meet and get to know us! You’ll have us readily available during business hours, during which you can ask all the questions you need in person at your appointment or over the phone without waiting for a customer service representative. 

You’re not just a patient or case file to us; you’re part of the Knapps Orthodontics family! That means your entire family will get the high-quality care we would demand for our own relatives.


Affordability & Insurance

We understand affordability is a concern, especially when moving from one orthodontic provider to another unexpectedly. At Knapp Orthodontics, we believe financial considerations shouldn’t be a barrier to achieving the smile you deserve. That’s why we’ve structured our services to be affordable without compromising the quality of care.

  • Understanding Your Insurance: We know insurance can be confusing, so our team is here to help you navigate & maximize your benefits. We help you understand and get the most out of your insurance benefits, minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Flexible Payment Options: Recognizing that every patient’s financial situation is unique, we offer multiple payment options to suit different budgets. 
  • No Hidden Costs: Transparency is key in our financial dealings. We’ll always provide a clear breakdown of costs associated with your treatment plan so you’ll know exactly what to expect every step of the way. There are no costly surprises—just honest, uncomplicated information to help you make informed decisions.

Smile Direct Club Shut Down, Now What?

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

Don’t wait to make the switch; the longer you wait, the more teeth have time to regress and undo any progress you have made. 

The shift to Knapp Orthodontics will be stress-free because our team is fun, and we’re experts in orthodontics. You’ll have a blast with us while finally achieving the smile you’ve been aiming for. Contact our office in Owens Cross Roads to schedule your free in-person or virtual consultation today! 

We can’t wait to work with you!